Saturday, April 6 – Sunday, April 7, 2019
Health & Fitness ExpoOpen to the Public, Admission is Free
Expo includes Packet Pickup for participant race bibs, goodie bags, and shirts. A variety of vendors and partners will display, sample and sell running apparel, health and fitness products, and offer their services.
Saturday, April 6
Junior Carlsbad
Races for Ages 5+ will have one combined start time. Ages 4 and under, will kick off with several small wave starts. Specific start times and locations will be provided in final information closer to race weekend.
Sunday, April 7
Carlsbad 5000
Race 1: Masters Men Age 40 & Over
Race 2: Masters Women Age 40 & Over
Race 3: Men Open (39 and under)
Race 4: Women Open (39 and under) + Party People
Race 5: Elite Women
Race 6: Elite Men

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